2016: Year in Review
By Christine Petralia

Courtesy of YouTube

Another Summer of #NoPants

Visit to Disney

Found James Beach!

Dave and I as Jasmine and Aladdin at our epic party.
December 31, 2016
Some may want 2016 to be over. Some may say 2016 sucked. I personally thought 2016 was awesome! Even years have always been my thing. Good things happen in even years. This year I bought my first home with the love of my life. A home! All to my own. And it has a washer/dryer right next to my bedroom! Anyone who knows me, knows this is huge!
Speaking of huge. Things in the country will be changing in the coming year. But let’s not talk about that.
I took some great trips this year. In January, I trekked to Brooklyn for an Islanders game. Bleh to Brooklyn. In February, Dave and I took the kids to DC, where we played tourist, saw the Islanders play the Capitals and had dinner with the Heins. In March and April, we toured a lot of homes, including the disgusting some-filled house on Vernon Lane, the chicken house on North Howell Avenue and the cat house on Avondale. But we closed on our dream home on Noel Drive in July. In August, after our move, we flew across the country to San Francisco, where we saw the Mets play the Giants, then we drove down the PCH, where we stopped in San Simeon and Santa Barbara, and then ended up in Anaheim for some Disney and touring fun.
In October, we hosted a pretty epic Halloween party for our friends and family, which lead us into the holidays. And while I hobbled around on a swollen big toe after a coffee table accident, Christmas was pretty fun.
There were some shakeups at work with the new company, but hopefully we’ll be launching a new website in the coming months.
2017 will be a good year too! I anticipate lots of baseball and dance in the first half of the year, as we finish up our first year in the house. Ashley will be heading to high school in the fall. And I’m sure I’ll be able to convince Dave to host another epic party in the near future. I think there might be a girls trip some time this year, as well as some upcoming weddings. Oh, and of course, another New Kids On The Block show. Should be a pretty good year.
As always, here are 2016’s resolutions, followed by 2016 highlights and then 2017 resolutions.
2016 resolutions:
-See Jimmy Fallon again (duh!) - NOPE
-Get all of the old Fallon shows off my DVR – AT SOME POINT YES – BUT RIGHT NOW NO.
-Learn more Photoshop – NOPE.
-Take a big trip – YUP.
-Do something with Penny Redstar or another story – NOPE.
-See more movies – NOPE.
-Get writing weekly again – DOES RECAPS COUNT?
-Read a book a month – NOPE.
-Let things go – MAYBE.
2016 Highlights:
-Saw the Islanders play in Brooklyn and DC.
-Visited DC again.
-Saw the Mets in Queens and San Francisco.
-Attended KTUPhoria at Jones Beach.
-Closed on my first home!
-Visited Splish Splash a couple times.
-Visited San Francisco.
-Drove down the PCH.
-Visited the Full House house.
-Visited the Big Sur.
-Visited Santa Barbara.
-Visited Los Angeles, Malibu, Venice Beach and Santa Monica.
-Found James’ Beach on Venice Beach.
-Visited Disneyland again.
-Hosted an epic Halloween party.
2017 Resolutions:
-Read more!
-See more movies.
-Start writing more.
-Lose weight!!!!
-Do one project on the house.
-Visit another state.
-Meet a famous person.
-Update my website.
-Go see The Tonight Show.
-Keep my DVR at 50 percent.
-Cook a new dish at least twice a month.
Happy 2017! What are your resolutions? What fun things happened to you in 2016?
Check out my rants in this eighth installment of the Festivus celebration.
Our favorite boy band from the 80s is back! Singing their hits over the past two-and-a-half decades, including Step by Step, The Right Stuff and much more! Seen June 20, 2015 at Nassau Coliseum with Nelly and TLC.