Rant: 7th Annual Festivus Blog
By Christine Petralia

Image courtesy of Babble.com
December 23, 2015
Yup. It’s another year and another Festivus. Seems like every day I find something different to complain about, but yet some of those complaints stay the same. After looking over last year’s airing of my grievances, some things just keep bugging me. (Perhaps it’s time to let go). But in keeping up with seven years of tradition, here goes in no particular order, my annual Festivus for the Rest of Us!
-The fact that I just added a Justin Bieber song to my playlist.
-The fact that the Islanders moved to Brooklyn (still haven’t seen a game there yet)!
-People who are passive-aggressive.
-Bratty children (ever see MasterChef Junior? You know what I’m talking about).
-Office politics.
-Being PC. Sometimes you just want to scream out – YOU’RE WRONG AND YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE!
-The ever-increasing amount of traffic on Long Island.
-Asshole neighbors and their horrible parking ways. They succeeded in blocking my driveway several times this year.
-The price of video games! (Were they always this expensive or am I just old?).
-My mail man – he’s somehow gotten worse over the years.
-Lunch breaks – oh wait, I don’t take those.
-People’s sense of entitlement. You need to earn your keep and your place, dammit!
-Some people’s clear lack of other people’s time (and space).
-That ever-growing pile of work on my desk that gets bigger and bigger each day.
-The price of bowling!!! $50 for a family of four to play one game and shoes is just unacceptable.
-People who don’t do their jobs. I do mine (and pretty damn well), I expect the same wherever I go, specifically if you’ve been hired at a hefty price to do something. Just saying.
-The agita I get trying to always find the perfect deal or coupon. Just make everything cheap!
-The fact that my downstairs neighbor doesn’t bring his garbage pails in (but he does get me my mail so, perhaps it evens out?).
-Writer’s block.
-Straight-up crazy people.
-Ticket prices – sporting events, concerts, movies, etc. And the ever-increasing fees.
-People who eat other people’s food in the fridge at work.
-People who leave their stinky food in the fridge at work for weeks.
-When those gym class teachers don’t show up.
-Those people who always stand in front of you in the mirror during a Zumba class.
-Booty battles in Zumba.
-People who don’t read/check emails. Listen, the best thing about email is it’s instantaneous and you don’t need to wait for the mail guy to deliver it!
I think I’ve managed to create a whole new list, with the exception of the mailman and the neighbors. But let’s face it, as long as I live in this apartment, they will always make the list.
So get your pole and tell me, what are your grievances?
Yup, another year, anothe rant. See what I complained about in 2015!
See what I aired in years past! I have a lot to complain about! It's a Festivus for the Rest of Us!