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Review: 21 Jump Street

By Christine Petralia

Image courtesy of Columbia Pictures

March 17, 2012

I have to admit, I don't recall ever really watching 21 Jump Street when I was younger, but I think I might have been to young at the time when it was on.  But, I do know that it starred Johnny Depp.

The advertising on this film was pretty good, because every preview I saw was really funny. However, I worried that it would be the situation where all the funny scenes were in the previews and the actual film wouldn't be that great. Another red flag was the fact that early previews had this 'not yet rated.' I worried it would be PG-13, thus not making it as funny as it should be. I have noticed in the past that a film rated PG-13 takes the jokes to a point and then stops, thus ruining it in some cases.

In the case though, the movie was funnier than the previews and it was rated R in the end, making it more real.  Because let's face it, people curse, people are vulgar and that's what makes films funny!

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill did not disappoint.  As Jenko and Schmidt respectively, we start off seeing them in high school and Jenko making fun of Schmidt. Fast forward five years and the two find themselves in the police academy together. Having matured over time, the guys pair up, Schmidt helping Jenko with the studying and Jenko helping Schmidt with the physical portions. Only to find themselves graduating and ending up on park-bike patrol, as most rookie cops start out, I'm assuming.

One day, they come across an actual drug deal, but screw it up with Jenko doesn't read the guy his Miranda rights. The two are sent to 21 Jump Street to go undercover in a high school to infiltrate and bring down a synthetic drug ring.  Their chief played by Ice Cube is no non-sense and lays down the rules.

As they head back, Jenko is convinced he will be the cool guy again, but soon they find tables have turned, as the 'nerds' are actually the cool kids.  And yes, people now wear their backpacks on both shoulders!

They start making progress and find the dealer, but need to find the supplier, which proves harder than they thought. Each has their own way of doing it, Jenko getting in with the 'nerds' in AP chemistry (pronounced AP - not A P) to put a track on the dealer's phone. Whereas Schmidt actually gains the trust of the dealer and is eventually invited to sell with him.

Throw in some car chases, some explosions and a little bro-mance between Jenko and Schmidt, along with some antics, particularly when the pair has to prove they are cool, so they take the drug at school and you have yourself a nice little comedy with a happy ending and the possibility for a sequel. And we can't forget the climatic scene at the prom!

There is this one scene in particular that made me feel old and for those in their 30s will relate. But I won't give it away because I thought it was a nice twist.

It was pretty funny watching all the under-17 teens try to sneak in. But I have to say the theater I went to was pretty strict when it came to IDing. Even to the point, when one mother left her car running, bought the tickets for the group, went to leave, only to be called back by the ticket-taker to go in with them. I'm pretty sure she snuck out the side door, but still funny to watch. Let's just say that those kids probably didn't get all the jokes and references that K. and I did.

3 stars.

This reboot of the Spider-Man movies introduces Peter Parker's first love, Gwen Stacy.

What happens when a small town gets invaded by aliens?  Just send the neighborhood watch out to protect the citizens.

The gang is back together again for their 10-year high school reunion. Each of them in different stages of their lives, with one of them still living in the past.

All works created by Christine McGrath; Centereach, New York  All Rights Reserved 2024

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