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LIVE Blog: 2012 MTV VMAs

By Christine Petralia

Click below for a slideshow of images from the show.

All images courtesy of MTV

September 6, 2012

The 2012 MTV Video Music Awards have been around, well, since I was born really. Needless to say, they were THE event to watch every year for most of my high school and college days. And then, I got old, or rather the music changed and soon, I stopped tuning in. However, the past two years, I decided to get with it again. And while, it's not that fun seeing the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync anymore, it is fun to see good artists get recognized. The show started in New York City and has moved to Los Angeles in years past. This year it was in L.A. at the Staple Center. Showtime was 8 p.m. EST on Sept. 6, 2012. And this year, I LIVE Blogged!  Check out below and click here for more highlights from MTV!

7:58 p.m.- Taylor Swift is towering over Sway and we're minutes away from the start of the show!

8:03 p.m. - Rihanna is singing her second song - We Found Love. She started with her dirty song Cockiness, which actually isn't half bad even though she's singing about oral sex. Eh you know. The place is bumpin' to this song and she looks amazing! Her voice is great too. I love watching her perform! BALLOONS! What a great opener, good choice MTV. Oooo shot of Drake. Haha. Of course. Click here to see her performance.

8:10 p.m. - Kevin Hart is killing it. No one is safe. From Drake and Chris Brown to Snooki. All about mistakes. Oh, that was nice. But why did Ron-Ron fist-pump. Let's here what you have to say. Kristen Stewart. Oh no. Exactly, it's over. Good point, Kevin. Good job. LOVE the bleeps. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. That AD must have his finger over the button. Prep yourself! And a stage dive!

8:15 p.m. - Katy Perry gives award for Pop Video. She looks good. What happen to the pink hair. I guess John Mayer is doing her some good. How do you compare Fun to Justin Bieber???? Oh, One Direction wins. Shocker. Let me get a good look at these kids. Why is Taylor Swift pissed? It's not like she lost. And Katy broke their award because she wanted to kiss them all! Someone get these kids some brushes!

8:18 p.m. - Mini-video with Hart. Why do I not know who 2 Chainz is? Should I? Is that even how you spell it? Does he always wear two chains, is that the point? Sometimes I forget that these are for actual videos and not songs. Or is it reverse? I mean, it is the VIDEO Music Awards.

I hate all these commericials!

8:20 p.m. - Dwight Howard. I LOVE his glasses! Just to give a jersey to Hart and introduce Miley Cyrus and Mac Miller (who?) And they are introducing P!nk, who I LOVE. It's her first performance in a while. Blow Me (One Last Kiss). She looks great! OOOO fancy red glow hands. Oh no, it's a medley. What a treat. (A short medley). And she's flying....She loves to fly. Chris Brown, cheer up. Dizzying background. Poor choice. Like her simple outfit. I get it, glowing pink lips. Dancing mouths with really sexy lips. Sweet. Watch her perform here!

8:30 p.m. - Demi Lovato and Rita Ora. Best Male Video award. Usher is still around? And the winner is....Chris Brown - Turn Up the Music! LOVE, this song. YAY Chris! Short and sweet, thanks Chris. Good job!

8:37 p.m. - Preview of American Horror Story - AHHHHHHHH

8:38 p.m. - Zoe Saldana introduces Frank Ocean. Performing Thinkin About You

8:45 p.m. - Hart and The Wanted sketch. His accents aren't that great. Still funny. Who will win Best New Artist - here are your nominees - Fun, Frank Ocean, Carly Rae Jepsen, One Direction, The Wanted. You decide. Vote here! (Voting has since closed)

8:49 p.m. - Rashida Jones and Andy Samburg presenting Best Hip Hop award. These two are hysterical. Why they are presenting this is a joke though. I'm gonna miss him on SNL. Will have to see this movie though, Celeste and Jesse, Forever. BTW, I don't know any of these songs. Oh wait, I know Childish Gambino and Paris. Winner is, Drake featuring Lil' Wayne - Hyfr. Why is Nicki Minaj up there? Are they part of a group? I think so. And the camera pan to Rihanna was classic, of course. God, her ass is HUGE.

Final season of the Jersey Shore, Thurs. Oct. 4. Will have to set the DVR. That commercial was so sad and lame.

8:58 p.m. - AHHHHHHH It's One Direction! Or 1D, as I like to call them. And pan to Taylor Lautner? Huh? Is he jealous?  They are singing One Thing. I actually like this song. Sad, I know. I'm so old. Would I be considered a cougar if I said they were cute? They still need brushes and perhaps a haircut? Maybe some dance moves too? Question is, who is the Posh Spice (or Kevin) of the group? Check out more from 1D at the VMAs!

9:02 p.m. - The Wanted with the hysterical Rebel Wilson. Her outfit is classic. HAHAHAHA. 'Chip in my dip!' Best Female Video award goes to....Nicki Minaj for Starships! Great song. Weird ass video though. And here comes her ass. I'm told men like it though. So, good for her. Can she not walk or is she drunk? Maybe both? She should stick to singing. Her speaking voice is horrible! She sounds like the Nanny!

9:10 p.m. - Scary sneak peek at The House At the End of the Street! Bleh. Eyes closed!

9:12 p.m. - First time on the VMA stage - 2 Chainz and Lil Wayne. Let's see if I know him. Why do I have a feeling this whole song will be bleeped out. Nope. Don't know this one. Yuck/No Worries. That's the name of the songs. What's next? Lil Wayne PULL UP YOUR PANTS! Watch it here!

These Jersey Shore final season commercials are ridiculous! Boyz II Men? Really? I like that these sketches with the artists and Hart are during the commercials instead of taking up time during the show. And they are pretty cute.

9:24 p.m. - Psy, the Gangnam Style guy, comes out with Hart doing the dance. Great! Considering I just heard this song today! Rihanna has no clue who this guy is.  Emma Watson and Ezra Miller introduce Green Day. Let Yourself Go. Now we're talking! Some band from my generation! YAY! Do these kids know who Green Day is? More bleeping! Good to see Bille Joe made it, seeing as he was sick a few days ago. See the performance.

9:30 p.m. - Tribute to Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys. He passed away earlier this year at the age of 47 after a battle with cancer.

9:34 p.m. - Cast of Twilight minus Kristen Stewart. And here's the exclusive clip from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2. Bella is a vampire! She's regular with red eyes and more bitchy! The big battle with the Volturi! Go Team Jacob! Are there still teams? Renesme! And that was it. Pretty straight forward. What do you think?

9:36 p.m. - Ke$ha and Wiz Khalifa, he's gonna be a new daddy! His lady friend is preggers. Votes are in! Did you vote? And the award for Best New Artist goes to...One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful! Question - Why was Ke$ha holding onto him for dear life? High? Drunk? Both? Back to the boys....still haven't found those brushes! But maybe that's what makes THEM beautiful?

I don't know who any of these annoucers are for MTV. THAT makes me old! I can't believe The Challenge is still on. Are the Real World and Road Rules still on? I guess maybe the Jersey Shore is the new Real World?

9:44 p.m. - 2012 U.S. Women's Gymnastics Team - They look like they hate each other. Alicia Keys performs Girl on Fire. It's been a while Alicia. Looking good too! Amazing voice. So talented! Watch them all here!

As a side note, I am very pleased with the performances this year, from Rihanna's opener to P!nk and now Alicia Keys. So much talent. This show has gone back to its roots of truly being about talent and the music. Good job MTV!  Still 13 minutes to go! Let's keep it up!

9:48 p.m. - Guest appearance by Nicki Minaj! And some tumbling from Gabrielle Douglas! Sweet. What a treat. Those girls were on FIRE!

I think this show may go over! Glad I extended the record.

9:55 p.m. - Tweets hit more than 5 million! Show is ending. What are you wearing Mr. Hart! Comments on Rebel Wilson's pube shirt. Here it comes! Video of the Year! And the winner is....Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love! Good for her. No entourage coming up with her either. Harris is ecstatic from the DJ booth! She's so elegant!

9:58 p.m. - Hart gives us a Get Out and Vote message! Taylor Swift performs her latest single to close out the show! We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Back Together. Or something like that. Give me a break. I'm over Swift. Not sure who this song is about this time, but I'm not into the talking through the song. She's better than that, considering she actually has a good voice. Though she was not up for any awards this year. Maybe next year Swift. See it here.

10:00 p.m. - AHHHH Signal failure! Cable or MTV? Who knows, but Swift was talking, so I don't care. I mean, we get it, you're never, ever, ever getting back with whoever broke your heart, ever.

10:02 p.m. - Pan to Taylor Lautner - maybe it was about him? Show's over! Only two minutes delayed. Not bad. And here we go again. It's airing again.

I hope you enjoyed my LIVE blog! Show wasn't half bad, and I actually didn't feel that old. I knew 95 percent of the performers, nominees, songs and winners. And if you missed it, MTV will be airing it for a while, so check your local listings! And again, click here for more from MTV!

Good Night!

In this fourth installment of the Bourne films, gone is Matt Damon as Jason Bourne, though the name is mentioned throughout, and in is Jeremy Renner as Aaron Cross. While the action is pretty good, you really have to know what the other films are about to understand why they want Cross dead, why he is the way he is, etc.

What happens when a small town gets invaded by aliens?  Just send the neighborhood watch out to protect the citizens.

This reboot of the 1990 version of the film is all action and pretty faces, but still a great film.

Stallone, Statham and the gang are back with some new friends as they punch, kick shoot and kill their way to get the job done.

Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis team up as political rivals in a small town in North Carolina in this hysterical film.

All works created by Christine McGrath; Centereach, New York  All Rights Reserved 2024

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