My First Jimmy Fallon Experience
By Christine Petralia

Jimmy finding the picture.

Jimmy signing my book.

Jimmy and James laughing at the picture.

Katie and Jimmy

May 26, 2011
When I heard that Jimmy Fallon was releasing another book (yes, another for all you so-called Fallon fans), I immediately thought, 'Oh the perfect birthday present.' But then I read on Facebook that Jimmy would be signing copies of his book at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square, I immediately did a search to find out details and then called the store. I realized that in order to get to the store by 4 p.m. to secure a spot, I'd have to take a half day at work, which I promptly requested.
So, Wednesday, May 25 rolls around and I leave work around 12:30 p.m. and make my journey into New York City via the Long Island Rail Road. I easily get down to the bookstore around 2:30 p.m. and scope out the situation. I buy my book and eagerly count the minutes until 4 p.m. when I can get a good seat. However, I was told that Jimmy would not be signing his book, as they were pre-signed, but he would just be interviewed by a moderator for the store's series "Upstairs on at the Square." I still was committed, pretty convinced that Jimmy would be signing autographs anyway, because he's that type of celebrity.
4 p.m. rolls around and I get on the line to get a seat. I purchase another book for my friend, Katie, and save her a seat next to me in the seventh row from the stage. Pretty good seats I must say. Then I settled in for the 3.5 hour wait I was about to go through, which was fine because I got to read his book, "Thank You Notes." The book is based on a segment from his Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show that he does every Friday. Basically, he thanks anything really annoying or really awesome. For example, "Thank you the word 'moist' for being the worst word ever. I think I speak for most Americans when I say we don't want you as a word anymore. God, I hate you." Well, that took up about 20 minutes of my time, but by then Katie arrived and we played catch up until the show at 7:30 p.m.
I knew he wouldn't arrive any earlier than that because he was taping a show that day. Around 7:35 p.m., Jimmy came out, looking spectacular! The interview was hilarious as always. The moderator did her research, but not enough, which kind of annoyed me, but not everyone can be a Fallon fanatic like me He did some of his 'troll doll' bit, told the story of how he made Lorne Michaels laugh during his SNL audition and did his famous Neil Young impressions, including playing the songs "Party in the USA" (which he needed the lyrics too) and "Fresh Prince of Bel Air." For that video, click here. I really enjoyed his stories of meeting Paul McCarthy and Bruce Springsteen. You could tell the whole time that Jimmy is living out his dream of being a star, but not yet quite ready for all the fame that he has acquired. He comes off as humble and genuine and that is why I love him. And this was obvious, when he made the announcement at 8:30 p.m. that he would personalize everyone's already signed books. He added that he would sign everyone in the room's books, even the standing room only people. LOVE it!
After he did a brief interview for Extra, he sat down for the meet and greet. The first maybe 50 fans got great pictures with him, but soon the staff realized that the store had to close at 10 p.m. and they weren't even half way through the almost 400 fans that wanted an autograph. Luckily, Katie and I were in the first 100 to 150 people, so even though I didn't get an actual picture next to him, I still got two autographs, two handshakes and thanks to Katie's picture-taking skills, three pictures of me meeting him!
Here's how it went down. As most of you know, I already met Jimmy Fallon approximately nine years ago when I was still in college and interning at Saturday Night Live. On my last day there, I got a picture with him. I had an extra copy of this picture, so I placed it in the book, right above the page where his autograph was in the pre-signed book, so he would have to move it to add my name. As I got closer, I started shaking, as again most know, Jimmy is the only celebrity that I can not speak around (well, besides Aladdin, but as many point out, Aladdin is not real). Soon it was my turn, and we shake hands and he asks how I am, as he opens the book. He was confused at first and then realized where the picture was from. I explained that it was from SNL when I interned there. He laughed at how young he looked, as he asked how long ago it was and signed the photo! Score! I told him it was almost nine years ago, as he passed it onto Roots member James Poyser.
Jimmy and James had another chuckle about how young he looked in the picture, as Jimmy personalized my book. He then shook my hand again, passed the book to James and said to me that I "still look the same" as in the picture. Score again!
It all seriously happened in a matter of 30 seconds, but it felt longer.
All in all, a great Jimmy Fallon experience!
Oh, and here's my own personal 'Thank You,' "Thank you lady in front of us, your teenage daughters will never be your 'friend' or think you are cool, so stop acting like you are a teen, when, you are in fact, in your mid-to-late 40s."
The original photo from 2002 at SNL.