Crossfit Training at Lucille Roberts
By Christine Petralia

Image courtesy of Lucille Roberts
April 26, 2012
I'm always looking for something new to challenge my body to get fit. As most know, I spend a lot of my afternoons in the gym, lately taking a lot of Zumba classes, with a mix of weight training thrown in. I try to switch up my routines as often as I can to sort of trick my body and confuse my muscles to get tone and hopefully lose weight. So when the girl at the desk at Lucille Roberts in Plainview told me about a new Crossfit training class every Thursday night in April for only $59.99, I immediately checked and cleared my calendar and signed up the next day.
I have to admit, I was a little intimidated as the trainer was Joe, who I have seen train other women at the gym. Some of the stuff I saw made me cringe, as I am not into running! BUT, as I said, I like to challenge my body and I knew this was exactly what I needed.
The first week, I got there early, introduced myself and waited for the other women to arrive. In the small group of eight, I would say age-wise I was right in the middle. Fit-wise, I was definitely on the tail end, which was disappointing. As the class went on, and we were forced to, yes, run or rather sprint, I realized I was one of the slowest! However, I listened to Joe, who kept saying - 'Don't rush, listen to your body, complete the exercise the right way. Don't cheat yourself!' So, I took my time in getting up from the floor and sprinting across the room. I focused on every squat across the floor as I carried the Bosu over my head, focusing mainly on my form, so not to injure my back, which I've been known to do in the past. And I did it! I completed each task, each exercise. Even things I never thought I'd do, such as get back on that damn Bosu! But man, as I drove home that night, my body started to tense up and by Friday morning, I was aching all over. But it was such a good ache, I was actually excited for the next class, despite that I was the slowest.
The next Thursday, I was worried. The Tuesday before, I pulled a muscle in my left thigh during a training class. I took off a day in between, but I guess it wasn't good enough. After a few stretches during the Crossfit class and the first sprint, I pulled it again, pretty badly. I worked through the pain, listening to my body in the hopes to not injure myself more. However, that night was the night we had to jump up on the stage, then jump down and do some push ups. I did them all. I did all the left lifts, all the squats, all the lunges. When I got home, I could barely walk. But thanks to K., he massaged my leg and put on some icy hot thing. By the next morning, I felt 10 times better, but made the decision to not go to the gym the next week, until the training class again, so it would be healed.
That Thursday, I stretched my leg out pretty good before the class and it was fine. Thank goodness too, because that class was half regular sprints and squats and half circuit training. The circuit training was not easy. Jumping along ladders, burpies, squats, punching, running up and down stairs, etc. But we all did it. Two sets, twice around. We finished that class off with some leg lifts again too.
The last class, or our 'graduation,' was again started off with stretching, sprints, squats and cross-training. Followed by more circuit training, slightly different from the week before, but with heavier weights added. And I have to admit, by the end of the last class, I was not achy, my leg was fine and I was no longer last!!!!!
In the four weeks, I actually feel fitter and better about myself. Granted, I didn't lose weight but I feel more tone. The weight problem is my own fault. I have a penchant for cheesy fries and pasta. I know, I know. But that aside, I highly recommend that anyone looking to challenge themselves and give themselves a good workout to try a crossfit class. And if you are a member of Lucille Roberts in Plainview, sign up for Joe's class or maybe even sign up for his personal training sessions. Joe is great. He works you hard, keeps you motivated. He explains each move and pushes you to work your hardest. And he also gives you tips on how to work out on your own and what to eat before and after a workout to get the most from it.
In all this class gets four stars in my book, and had my schedule for May not been so packed, I would have signed up for another four weeks. Thanks Joe!
If anyone is interested in personal training or any classes, etc. Here is the info:
Lucille Roberts - Plainview
359 South Oyster Bay Road
Plainview, NY 11803
Find them on Facebook!
*Note: Joe Gelsomino has since left Lucille Roberts. If you're interested in training with him, you can find him at Gym Guyz.
Read as I head back into the city and meet my idol Jimmy Fallon, again, at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square.