2018: Year in Review
By Christine Petralia

Created by Christine Petralia

Our Wedding Photo - 9-9-18

Halloween 2018

Just hanging with the Backstreet Boys

With Donnie Wahlberg at Wahlburgers.
January 1, 2019
2017 was a great year. 2018 was an amazing year. Probably my best year yet. Dave and I got married!!! But so many other amazing things happened this year.
In January, Dave and I flew to Vegas for an Islanders-Golden Knights game with two good friends. We visited Red Rock Canyon for a day, which was beautiful. February was pretty quiet with a lot of writing for BuddyTV. We visited the Heins in March to see an Islanders-Capitals game. Upon our return, Dave got promoted at work when his boss retired. We also saw Justin Timberlake after being up for almost 24 hours, but it was fun!
April was a sad month, as we lost Nana. It was tough for her at the end, so I know she’s resting peacefully with Grandpa in heaven. The rest of the month was filled with the P!nk concert, dance competitions, and a surprise birthday party for Dave. In May, my bridal party and mother threw me a great shower, which was filled with fun, love and lots of gifts for our home! I met up with the Backstreet Boys again in June, back stage at BLI’s Summer Jam. And the next day, Dave and I went to see Dead & Company at Citi Field. We spent 4th of July week in Maine at the cabin, which was my first visit in 15 years. It was exactly the same as I left it, 15 years ago, and I know Nana would be happy I brought Dave and the kids up there. On our way back from Maine, we stopped at Six Flags New England, where we rode the coasters all day.
Shortly after we returned from our trip, Ashley went to Hershey with her dance team for Nationals, and Dave and I attended cousin Laura’s wedding. At the beginning of August, the countdown to our wedding was on, with my bachelorette party in Port Jeff, and Dave’s golf trip to Milwaukee. And despite some flight cancellations, he and John had a great time, complete with a road trip with a stranger from Philadelphia to Long Island.
Sept. 9, 2018 was the best day of the year! Our wedding day went off without a hitch. We held our ceremony inside due to a little rain, but nothing could ruin our special day. People are still talking about how great everything was that day, from the food to the personalized music selection. And we can’t forget the flash mob I choreographed for friends and family that went off without a hitch. Our honeymoon to San Diego was also perfect. Our resort was literally two blocks from the Pacific Ocean and one block from Mission Bay. We found a great little Mexican joint, steps away from our resort, where we ate the best burritos ever!
After the honeymoon, it was right back into work mode. In October, my friends and I tried an escape room and had a blast. We also threw our annual Halloween party, during a nor’easter! Dave and I were Princess Leia and Han Solo, with our cardboard cutout of Chewie as our sidekick. The holidays and birthdays were a whirlwind in November and December. But the end of the year was pretty good when I met New Kid on the Block Donnie Wahlberg at Wahlburgers in Port Jeff Station with work. He was the nicest guy, and I’ve now met my three favorite boy bands!
It’s pretty safe to say that 2018 was a very, very good year for my family and me. And I really can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for us. The first half of the year will have us at a lot of competitions. Dave and I will get away for a weekend up at Mohegan Sun. And there will be a family trip to see Frozen on Broadway. I’m planning to see the New Kids twice in June, and maybe the Backstreet Boys at some point. Our family trip will be to Ocean City for Nationals and then, most likely, Maine again. In September, we’ll have two high school students, with David entering the ninth grade. And toward the end of the year, we’ll be throwing another big party when Ashley turns 16. All good things!
And now, of course, it’s resolution time. As usual, first are my 2018 resolutions and if I actually accomplished them, and then some 2018 highlights. After, are my 2019 resolutions, in no particular order.
2018 Resolutions:
-Lose weight for real. – I lost about five pounds for the wedding….and then gained it back.
-Do one project on the house. – We did little things around the house – but nothing big yet.
-Read. – I read two books on our honeymoon.
-Start up Penny again. - Nope
-Don’t stress (too much). – A new boss means more stress….
-Think more positively. – Nope.
-Plan for the future. – Sort of.
-Get more creative in the kitchen. – Eh.
2018 Highlights:
-Got married.
-Met the Backstreet Boys again.
-Met Donnie Wahlberg.
-Saw Justin Timberlake and P!nk.
-Said good-bye to Nana.
-Visited Vegas, DC, Maine and Massachusetts.
2019 Resolutions:
-Lose weight. (I know, I know – but I also know I can do it)
-Take down the trees in the backyard.
-Read more.
-Write more – either Penny or my website – something creative.
-Cook at least one new dish a month.
-Stop being so angry.
-Stop taking things so personal.
What are some of your resolutions?
Check out my rants in this 10th installment of the Festivus celebration.
See the highlights and my resolutions for 2017.