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Episode 6: The Axeman Cometh

By Christine Petralia

Images courtesy of FX Networks

November 16, 2013


Episode 6: The Axeman Cometh (Aired Nov. 13, 2013)
What a waste of an episode. While it starts to tie some storylines together, it introduces a random spirit/serial killer – a la season one – reveals that Fiona is just plain losing it and brings back everyone’s favorite, but my least favorite, Franken-Kyle.


As I mentioned a la season one, the episode starts in 1919, with the witches in the home luring a serial killer, the Axeman (to the academy and then brutally murdering him.) Fast forward to present day, Zoe finally gains some sense and realizes that her friend Madison is still missing and that she should probably do something about it, since Fiona is nuts and Cordelia is blind. Zoe convinces Queenie and Nan to use a Ouija board to try and contact Madison, if she’s in fact dead and instead make contact with the Axeman. Queenie stops the session immediately, not wanting to bring a spirit over to the other side. But Zoe decides to try again on her own and makes a pact with the Axeman to set him ‘free’ if he tells her where Madison is. He directs her to the attic, where she, of course, finds Spalding’s crazy dolls and Madison’s corpse. After a weird scene where Nan tries to read Spalding’s mind, Zoe goes to seek out Misty.


Misty, however, has her hands full with re-creating Myrtle and Kyle, who has sought her out after he went missing two episodes go. Kyle goes nuts on Misty when she tries to wash him, getting images of his mother molesting him. Zoe shows up in time and convinces Misty to help her, despite ‘too much death’ inside Madison. After bringing her back, Misty insists on leaving the academy, citing too much evil inside.


Of course, to prove this, upstairs, Cordelia is dealing with her newfound power – being able to see a person’s indiscretions by just touching them. A very good line she says is ‘I had to go blind to see things about you I couldn’t see before.’ She can also see spirits, as the Axeman starts to attack her. Zoe casts a spell to grant him his ‘release.’ Though I’m not really sure if his spirit is just free to roam now, or he’s an actual person. It was a little confusing when he walked out of the academy.


Apparently, Cordelia can only see so much though because she couldn’t see that her man is actually a witch hunter, working for Marie Laveau. This is a very interesting twist, but the guy is such a wuss, I can’t see him just going in and killing all the witches in the house. So we shall see.


Lastly, Fiona is off in her own little drug-induced world again, getting chemo and reading the minds of people now, another power that she didn’t know she had.


This episode was just all over the place, and it pissed me off. The season only has 13 episodes, and we’re half way through already. It shouldn’t be introducing new characters, but then again, it could just be a one-time thing, the Axeman, I mean. I wish Franken-Kyle would go away. His storyline is just ridiculous. Honestly, I can see all of the witches just going crazy on Fiona and killing her. But who knows. I hope next week gets the season back on track.


Missed an episode? Catch up on the entire season!

Here is your guide to season two, which is about an asylum in Massachusetts and what lurks behind the walls

All works created by Christine McGrath; Centereach, New York  All Rights Reserved 2024

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