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Episode 3: The Replacements

By Christine Petralia

Images courtesy of FX Networks

October 24, 2013
Episode 3: The Replacements (Aired Oct. 23, 2013)
What episode of American Horror Story would not be complete without a little sex, violence, incest and death? And of course, episode three does not disappoint.
We begin learning a little bit more about Fiona’s past. In the 70s, she was young and looking to take over the supreme position. And she fast-tracks that by killing the current supreme. After a quick glace at her butler, we can only assume that she cut his tongue out at some point, so he can keep her secrets.
In present day, Fiona tells LaLaurie that as a ‘punishment’ she will now be the new maid, an assignment to explain her presence. As another punishment, because Fiona doesn’t tolerate racism, Fiona makes LaLaurie Queenie’s own personal ‘slave,’ much to LaLaurie’s disappointment. During a late night snack, LaLaurie hears the minotaur outside. Scared, she finally reveals to Queenie who she actually is. And in a weird little plot twist, Queenie ends up luring the Minotaur to some remote garden and tries to seduce him because she too feels like an outsider.
Meanwhile, Madison and Nan head over to their new neighbors’ house as a welcoming committee, where they both ‘compete’ for the sexy guy’s attention. However, they are interrupted by the guy’s mother, Joan Ramsey (Patti Lupone), who is a bible thumper and doesn’t want the girls hanging around. Just before they are kicked out, Madison not only makes the knife fly across the room but also sets the curtains on fire, all with her mind. After hearing this, Fiona realizes that Madison is the one who will soon replace her as supreme. Fearful of this and worried she will die soon, Fiona takes Madison out for a night of drinking and explains all this to her. It doesn’t end well for Madison.
Fiona and Cordelia also receive some bad news. Fiona learns she can no longer get facelifts to keep her young, hence her worrying about Madison’s powers. While, Cordelia learns she can’t have children. As a last-minute decision, she visits Marie and asks for her help in conceiving. However, Marie, after teasing Cordelia by explaining the spell, informs her that because of her mother’s threats, she can not help her. I’m assuming this will play out more in future episodes. Perhaps Cordelia will rise against her mother?
And in a weird, and not too interesting storyline, Zoe is a pain in the ass. First she visits Kyle’s mother to find out more about him. And seeing her distress, she picks Kyle up from Misty, who has made some of his scars heal, and brings him to his mother. Which, to me, is the dumbest idea ever. His mother obviously realizes it’s not him. And in a gross, gross twist, she has sex with him! Gross! However, this new Kyle has the balls to fight back and he ends up bashing her head in. Way to go with your bright ideas Zoe. Ugh.
I honestly don’t know which character that Taissa Farmiga has played is worst, Zoe or the daughter from the first season. I hope that Zoe gets her act together, because I can’t stand her stupidity. I mean, what was she thinking, piecing together a Frankenstein Kyle. It’s not him, it won’t be him. Stupid. Well it was Madison’s stupid idea, but she’s out of the picture now.
I’m really pleased with the season so far though. It’s definitely interesting and I’m excited to see where the storylines go and how they interconnect.

Missed an episode? Catch up on the entire season!

Here is your guide to season two, which is about an asylum in Massachusetts and what lurks behind the walls

All works created by Christine McGrath; Centereach, New York  All Rights Reserved 2024

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