Episode 2: Boy Parts
By Christine Petralia

Images courtesy of FX Networks
October 17, 2013
Episode 2: Boy Parts (Aired Oct. 16, 2013)
A lot happened, but at the same time, not much happened, if that makes sense. We learned a little more about Madame LaLaurie (Kathy Bates) and how she ‘survived’ 180 years. We also learned a little more about Cordelia’s (Sarah Paulson) personal life, though that scene confused me slightly. I guess I just have to get into my witch sense before watching these episodes. And we get into the first confrontation between Fiona (Jessica Lange) and Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett).
The episode begins with Misty Day (Lily Rabe) in the swamp, teaching some gator killers a lesson. Turns out she can’t be killed, I guess. Then back at the school, cops come sniffing around investigating both Zoe (Taissa Farmiga) and Madison (Emma Roberts) about the bus accident and the death of the frat kid in the hospital. Getting nervous, Zoe outs not only themselves but also the witch coven. Before Cordelia can get involved, Fiona comes to the ‘rescue’ and hypnotizes the cops so they forget. She also warns the girls to behave themselves.
The girls head to the morgue to resurrect Kyle (Evan Peters). When they get there, they realize that Kyle’s body is literally in pieces. With Madison’s insistence, they piece together the ‘perfect’ boyfriend and cast the spell. Madison doesn’t think the spell worked, so she ends up leaving Zoe to deal with the guard. However, Kyle ‘wakes up’ and attacks the guard. Zoe takes Kyle with her and freaks out when he’s obviously not himself. But inside the car she steals is Misty Day, as she was ‘summoned’ when the spell was cast. Misty leads the two to her home, where she is fascinated by meeting another witch.
Meanwhile, Fiona gets information from LaLaurie. She finds out that Marie’s potion didn’t kill her, obviously, but rather kept her alive for more than 180 years. Marie killed LaLaurie’s family and showed her the hanging bodies before locking and burying LaLaurie underground for all those years. Fiona then goes to seek out Marie and find out about immortality, and they both basically threaten each other. We later see Marie with her ‘lover,’ who is also still alive and now a minotaur.
And in another ‘subplot,’ we learn that Cordelia is having trouble trying to conceive a child, so her husband convinces her to work her magic so they can get pregnant.
I was disappointed that there wasn’t much with Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe) and Nan (Jamie Brewer). Though we did learn how Queenie was sent to the school. I’m assuming they will explore these two characters more and I sure hope they do, as I find them a sort of comic relief. But I do also love Misty Day. I’m not really sure where they are going with bring Kyle back, but should be interesting. I sort of wish the episode moved a little bit faster, but I have to remember that it’s just the second one, so we shall see.
Here is your guide to season two, which is about an asylum in Massachusetts and what lurks behind the walls
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