Episode 11: Protect the Coven
By Christine Petralia

Images courtesy of FX Networks
January 19, 2014
Episode 11: Protect the Coven (Aired Jan. 15, 2014)
One problem down (hopefully) and a few more to go, at least in Fiona and Marie’s eyes. And in Marie’s world, one more pain in her side as Madame LaLaurie has come back (shocker). This week’s episode was sort of all over the place, but in reality it’s all coming together so nicely, which is what I love about this show. Just when you want to give up, it brings you back in. Though, Franken-Kyle was back and useless, as always.
The coven buries Nan, at the same cemetery that Misty is buried (though I’m sure they are both coming back at some point – no one dies on this show). While at the funeral, Queenie shows up with Madame LaLaurie fully restored (see – no one dies). Queenie is not happy Marie left her to die, even though she’s a human voodoo doll. And Marie is not happy LaLaurie is back.
Back at the house, everyone is shouting orders at LaLaurie, but she’s got bigger plans. She has remembered her love of blood and chopping people up, so she takes a farmhand (or that’s what she calls him) up to Spalding’s old room to dissect him. While there, Spalding visits her (though I really don’t know how) and convinces her that he has the power to take away Marie’s immortality if she gets him this rare and expensive doll for his collection.
Marie and Fiona have bigger problems to deal with though. Fiona gets her boyfriend the Ax Man to help them, so the pair can live happily ever after, or so she thinks. The three head to The Corporation to work out a deal. The deal is, now that The Corporation was taken down financially by the witches, they’ve decided to just kill everyone to get rid of them once and for all. Again, so we think. I mean, there’s got to be more witch hunters out there right?
Meanwhile, Cordelia tries to welcome Queenie back into the coven, but she’s not having it. Queenie, like all the rest of them, is convinced she could be the next supreme as she has developed new powers after she took a silver bullet to the head to save Marie. Cordelia, still convinced she’s a failure after her confrontation with Queenie, heads to her lab (aka the Greenhouse) and stabs her eyes out in the hope she can get her power that she had when she was blind back. The power to see the truth.
And in the Madison/Zoe/Franken-Kyle love triangle, Madison threatens to kill them both when Franken-Kyle chooses Zoe over her. Her powers do seem to be getting stronger and stronger each episode, but then again each witch’s powers are getting stronger. And it seems that Zoe no longer kills with her vagina, though I guess by sleeping with a dead guy, it might not have the same effect. Myrtle, sensing the danger in the house, gives Zoe two tickets to Disney World (again, not kidding), so that she and Franken-Kyle can get out of harms way. Before they leave though, Zoe works some magic and finds out that Fiona and Marie are behind Nan’s death.
I expect to see Nan, Misty and whoever else died to come back in the last two episodes. And I still don’t understand how if the Ax Man is really real or not. I mean, he was a spirit haunting that house for years and one spell brings him back to life? I don’t get it. I’m pretty sure Myrtle sent Zoe away because she believes Zoe might be the next Supreme, but I could be wrong. Maybe it’s Cordelia. Or maybe it’s no one. Maybe everyone is really just dead, like in the first season and this is all just playing out over and over again in some weird dream sequence. I mean, I get that they are witches and they have spells and magic, but everyone who dies needs to just stay dead already. And I can’t just believe that Fiona and Marie are really besties now. Seems strange that Marie was so unwilling to help Fiona in the beginning, but now that her life was in danger, she’s changed her tune. Something’s not right. I can’t wait to find out what it is!
Here is your guide to season two, which is about an asylum in Massachusetts and what lurks behind the walls
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