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Episode 7: Dark Cousin

By Christine Petralia

Images courtesy of FX Networks

November 30, 2012

Episode 7: Dark Cousin (Aired November 28, 2012)

I fear that I may be losing slight interest, but this episode brought me back into it. It was a little jumbled, as the first half focused more on the asylum, Lana Winters and Kit Walker, but the second half picked up where last week left off with Sister Jude finding the investigator’s body and delving more into her past.

We are also introduced to the Dark Angel (played by the brilliant Frances Conroy – our maid from last season). She is the angel of death and those who ‘summon’ her are brought over to the other side by one kiss from her. She first appears at Briarcliff for Grace, who is bleeding out due to either her hysterectomy or the alien probing, we’re still not sure. However, some nurses bring Grace to Arden, who tells her he’s not going to let her die to prove a point to the staff at Briarcliff.

The Dark Angel then appears to bring over a man who hears voices in his head and commits suicide. Sister Mary confronts her, or rather the demon inside Sister Mary confronts her and we see a glimpse of the old Sister Mary brought out by the angel.

The third time we see the Dark Angel, she appears as Dr. Thredson/Bloody Face is raping Lana Winters. However, Lana tells her she’s not ready yet. Though immediately after sending her away, Thredson attempts to kill Lana. She fights back and escapes, only to end up in a car with a suicidal man. After crashing the car, Lana ends up back at Briarcliff. Seems the girl can’t catch a break.

We are then brought back to the scene of Sister Jude finding the investigator’s body. She attempts to call for help, but the Dark Angel takes the man just as Sister Jude finds a bottle of whiskey and newspaper clippings that Sister Mary left for her. After drinking a majority of the bottle, Sister Mary calls the room to basically tell her the jig is up and to never come back.

A drunk Sister Jude reminisces once again about the girl she hit and how she failed as an entertainer and eventually how she became a nun. And just as the Dark Angel visits her as she contemplates suicide, we learn more and more about her past and how this isn’t the first visit from the angel. In fact, we also learn that Sister Jude was engaged at a very young age. She tells the angel she has to do one more thing before she’s ready for peace on the other side. And as she goes to confess to the family of the girl she hit, in walks the girl, obviously all grown up. It’s a miracle and a sign for Sister Jude. I’m curious as to what she’s going to do to hopefully take back Briarcliff.

Meanwhile, Kit , who meets with a lawyer, escapes the office and heads back to the asylum for Grace. But an unfortunate turn of events ends up with another visit from the Dark Angel.

And, of course, poor Lana tells Sister Mary about Thredson’s secret life. And Sister Mary already knows this as the demon knows everything. We know that this newfound information will not be pursued any further, as no one believes a crazy girl.

Just when I think I have this show figured out, I realize that I don’t. I’m really curious to see how this is going to pan out. And I really want to know if Bloody Face is still alive after all these years. Though we didn’t get a glimpse into present day this episode, I know it will be all wrapped up by the finale in a few weeks. I’m also still wondering if they are going to do anything with that child killer last week. It’s not like the writers to bring in a character randomly like that without any mention of them again. In fact, in this episode there were a few flashbacks to the exorcism episode. This week definitely held my interest and brought me back after last week’s filler.

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All works created by Christine McGrath; Centereach, New York  All Rights Reserved 2024

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