Episode 2: Tricks and Treats
By Christine Petralia

Images courtesy of FX Networks
October 25, 2012
Episode 2: Tricks and Treats (Aired Oct. 24, 2012)
I watched this episode with my hand in front of my face because I am not a fan of exorcisms and demons. But the rest of the episode was pretty awesome. However, it does center around the exorcism itself.
We begin in present day again, as BloodyFace chases our newlywed Teresa throughout the halls of Briarcliff and then stabs Leo. She locks herself in a closet, and we leave present day with BloodyFace banging on the door.
Back in 1964, Wendy is surrounded by her friends who encourage her to go back to Briarcliff and try to get Lara out. However, I don’t think she’ll get that chance as she comes face-to-face with BloodyFace himself. Letting us believe that Kit is not the killer of women and truly is telling the truth about the aliens.
At Briarcliff, Sister Jude encourages Dr. Arden to perform electro-shock therapy on Lara, one to ‘cure’ her of her sexual preference and two, to erase her memory of everything she has filed away in her brain on what goes on behind the walls of Briarcliff. And Kit is examined by Dr. Oliver Thredson (Zachery Quinto), who is sent by the state to determine if Kit will go on trial or stay at the asylum. As he does his evaluation, he observes what goes on at the asylum and confronts Sister Jude about it. She brushes him off as she meets with a couple who’s son isn’t acting himself. After an examination by Dr. Thredson and Sister Jude, Sister Jude recommends an exorcism, against the medication Thredson suggests.
Msgnr. Howard and a priest are called in. Sister Jude tells Sister Mary that she needs to get all the patients in their cells early and to watch the halls while the exorcism is performed. However, the demon just won’t leave. At one point, it forces the power to go out throughout the entire asylum and the patients are let out. Lara and Grace, who have been secretly planning an escape, make a run for the underground tunnel, but Kit tries to join them and Lara blows their cover, because she still believes he is a murderer. While all this is going on, Sister Jude is asked by Howard to watch the patient while he tries to figure out how to complete the exorcism. It is at this point we learn Sister Jude’s secret, as the demon seems to know all. It seems that Sister Jude was a whore in her past, and while she was driving drunk she hit and killed a child.
The exorcism doesn’t work and the patient dies, but not before the demon seems to have entered Sister Mary’s body as it leaves the patient. Though I’m pretty sure no one realizes this just yet.
As a side story, we learn why Shelley was committed to the asylum as she begs Dr. Arden to let her outside. And we also find out that Dr. Arden has some weird obsession with Sister Mary, as he hires a prostitute to dress up as a nun. However, she finds some photos of how he tortures women, and how he might kill them too. We’re not quite sure. Luckily, this prostitute escapes before he can hurt her.
While I could have done without the exorcism, mainly because I’m a big baby and will have nightmares, it was a good way to learn more about Sister Jude. I’m not really sure where they are going with Dr. Arden’s storyline and not really sure what the ‘creatures’ in the yard are. Very curious to see how the whole Sister Mary being possessed will pan out in future episodes. And who the hell is BloodyFace? Maybe it’s Dr. Arden? So many questions! But it is only the second episode. I can’t wait for next week!
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